Commercial Credit Reporting and Trade Group Management Services
Mission Statement
"To be the preeminent association offering professional credit services through total commitment to our members, associates and the community"
Who We Are & What We Do
We are an NACM association (an employee owned ESOP) with an internet based system, providing credit exchange to members on a secured environment. Real time credit reports, alerts, historical data and meeting preparation are automated and online.
We are NACM Tampa, the Tampa Service Bureau of the National Association of Credit Management. Our Customers and Clients are located in Tampa (Local), Florida (Statewide), and throughout the US (National). NACM Tampa services 30 Credit Groups across the Country. We utilize 12 Master Trade Databases in our System, containing well over 2 Million Lines of Credit Trade Experience.
NACM members are business credit grantors in manufacturing, wholesaling, service industries and financial institutions. Business credit is an integral part of the American economy. The business credit executive (the NACM member) is an essential player in our free enterprise system. Virtually every business transaction that concerns another business involves credit. NACM members are served by 52 Affiliated Associations throughout the country and by NACM-National, the national headquarters office.
NACM's Purposes and Objectives
- To promote honest and fair dealings in credit transactions.
- To assure good laws for sound credit.
- To foster and facilitate the exchange of credit information.
- To encourage efficient service in the collection of accounts.
- To promote and expedite sound credit administration in international trade.
- To encourage training for credit work, through colleges, universities, home-study courses and other means.
- To foster and encourage research in the field of credit.
- To disseminate useful and instructive articles and ideas with respect to credit management techniques.
- To promote economy and efficiency in the handling of estates of insolvent, embarrassed or bankrupt debtors.
- To provide facilities for the investigation and prevention of fraud.
The Credit and Trade Group Services we provide include
- Automated, Private Group Computer Databases
- Credit Reports - On-Line
- NSF "Flash" Notification Reports - Weekly or Monthly
- Past Due and Flash Account Monitoring
- Days Sales Outstanding Summary Reports and Charts
- Past Due Listing Reports
- Professional Meeting Management
- Express Notification
- D&B Reports
- CIC Credit
- Construction Licensing Reports
- Comprehensive Personal Background Searches
- Corporate & Public Record Searches (Florida only)
If you have any questions regarding our Corporate Credit Services, please contact our Sales Department at:
NACM Tampa
5521 West Cypress Street, Suite 200
Tampa, Florida 33607
800 / 329-6226
fax 813 / 289-4261